- With Windows Live Mail open, click on the 'Accounts' Tab
- Click the email account you wish to edit in the list on the left hand side of your screen. Then click the 'properties' button at the top of the screen.
- The previous step should have opened the properties box with all the settings for your email account. The settings in the general tab shouldn't affect how your account connects to the server. The two tabs that affect your account are the 'Servers' tab and the 'Advanced Tab'
- incoming & outgoing mail - mail.yourdomainname.com
- Email username - enter your full email address here
- email password - enter it as it was set in your cPanel
- remember password - check this option off
- If you must choose an authentication method - choose clear text authentication
- Outgoing mail server - check off the option that says 'my server requires authentication' -> then click the 'settings' button. This pops open another box, in this box choose the option that says 'use same settings as incoming mail server' and click ok
Advanced Settings
- Outgoing mail port - 2525 (or 465 for SSL)
- Incoming mail - port 110 for POP3 connection or port 143 for IMAP connections (or port 995 for POP3 / 993 for IMAP when using SSL)
- Secure Connection (SSL) - Check this if using SSL
- Server Timeout - the default 1 minute setting should work in most cases
- Sending, break apart messages larger than - leave this unchecked
- Delivery - We recommend removing items from the server after a set amount of days or when deleted from 'Deleted Items'
4. When you're done, click 'OK' to save the settings.